Zlatibor 2018
November 15-16th , 2018
Grand Hotel Tornik, Zlatibor
Thursday, November 15th , 2018
- Mrs. Katarina Obradović-Jovanović, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Economy R. of Serbia
- Mr. Eugeniu Osmochescu, Project Director, IFC
- Mrs. Bojana Tošić, Director of Public Policy Secretariat of Serbia
- Mr. Mihailo Vesović, Adviser to the President of Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
16:30 - 18:30h Support for SMEs - Best Practices
Moderator: Development Agency of Serbia
- Mrs. Katarina Aksentijević, Head of SME Support Department, Development Agency of Serbia
- Mr. Selim Serkan Ercan, Manager, KOSGEB
- Mrs. Ljiljana Belada, Directorate for Development of SME of Montenegro
- Mrs. Anita Hendinger, Coordinator of the Hungarian EEN
- Mr. Peter Ekart, Development Agency of Maribor, Slovenia
- Mr. Bojan Ćudić, SME Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska
Friday, November 16th , 2018
09:00h Registration of Participants
10:00 - 10:45h Opening of the Forum
- Mr. Radoš Gazdić, Acting Director, Development Agency of Serbia
- Mrs. Jadranka Joksimović, Minister, Ministry of EU Integration, Serbia
- Representative of SME Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska
- Mr. Steffen Hudolin, Head of Operations- Section II, The Delegation of the EU to R. of Serbia,
- Mr. Marko Čadež, President of Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
- Mr. Petar Đokić, Minister, Ministry of Inudstry, Energy and Mining of the Republic of Srpska
- Mr. Nenad Popović, Minister without portfolio responsible for innovation and technological development
10:45 - 11:00h Coffee Break and Press statements
11:00 - 12:30h Access to Finance for the Western Balkans SMEs - WB EDIF program
Moderator: Mr. Marko Kovacevic, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
- Mrs. Katarina Obradovic-Jovanovic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Economoy of R. Serbia
- Mrs. Biljana Šćekić, EBRD Regional Director for Western Balkans
- Mr. Ivan Smiljković, Executive Board Member, ProCredit Bank Serbia
- Mr. Saša Trivić, Krajina Klas d.o.o. Banja Luka
12:30 - 12:45h Coffee Break
12:40 - 17:00h B2B Matchmaking Meetings within Enterprise Europe Network
12:40 - 14:00h Local and Regional Development and EU Integration
Мoderator: Mr. Slavko Lukić, Director of RRA Zlatibor
- Mr. Saša Mogić, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Public Administration and Local-Self Government R. of Serbia
- Mr. Mihajilo Dašić, Assistant Minister, Ministry of European Integration
- Mr. Nenad Popović, President of SARRA
- Mr. Saša Pavlov, Mayor of Pančevo
- Mr. Aleksandar Kašćelan, Mayor of Cetinje, Montenegro (tbc)
- Mr. Milenko Đaković, Mayor of Prijedor
- Nemanja Nešić, Deputy Mayor, City of Užice
14:00 - 15:20h Public Private Partnership
Мoderator: Mr. Edi Majstorović, SKGO
- Mr. Vladan Vasić, Mayor of Pirot
- Mr. Tihomir Petković, Mayor of Užice
- Mrs. Jasmina Palurović, Mayor of Kruševac
- Andrijana Jovanović, Vice President of Commission for PPP
- Mr. Đorđe Radinović, President of Municipality of Stara Pazova (tbc)
15:20 - 16:30h Lunch
Bilateral Talks
- Participants209
- Meetings Requested329
- Meetings Accepted130
Bosnia-Herzegovina 68
Croatia 2
Czech Republic 1
Hungary 1
Montenegro 8
Russian Federation 1
Serbia 125
Slovenia 1
Turkey 6
- Total of Participants213
Profile views
- Before Event5305
- After Event245633